I am feeling nostalgic today --- One gloomy Shanghai morning, V and T decided to hop on a train to the nearest UNESCO World Heritage Site that is the West Lake, known famously as Hangzhou's Xihu. Sidenote: T has yet to track how many UNESCOs he has visited. One day, he shall conquer them all. If not, well, die trying.
Shanghai's High Speed Rail showed concrete similarities Japan's Shinkansen, less expensive but with lower hygienic standards.
V and T shared a hostel room; the bathroom had no door. Fart filled the air.
Get wet in these waters.
V and T suggests spending the day on a bicycle ride. Bike rentals are all over the place. It would be impossible to tread the lakeside by foot.
Temples, pagodas and what nots surround the West Lake. Make sure to lock your bicycle when you decide to enter cultural locations.
Plum blossoms exist in China. They aren't as grand as cherry blossoms. They're more like the budget cherry blossoms. Shake the trees, and the blossoms fall. If you do, hide yourselves from pesky environmentalists. If they see you, pretend to come from Africa.
The sky is blue, the grass, green and the pond is errr, dirty.
T on the left and V on the right, rowdiest Chinese boys from the Philippines!
You are aware what a pagoda looks like, no?
T set up his tripod and shot long exposure photos. 5 minutes have passed, V was nowhere to be found. Camouflaged amongst the lookalikes.Common sense, with some imed-ness, told both of them to quit getting lost and get back on their parked bikes. Tada!
V and T lost each other again. Not lost, merely did not know where the other wandered to, as these two possess quite the spatial orientation and geographic prowess. And without the slightest communication, they are reunited when they least expected. Hello Vincen!
Only by losing oneself can one truly find it.